Tier II Rare Set
- 100% Safe Delivery or your money back
- <24 Hour delivery on most orders
- First come first serve (reserve your spot for quicker delivery)
Purchase of 1 ENTIRE RARE (Orange) ATTUNED set. This includes all 6 within the set. Tier II enhancements consist of those that cost typically more than 1-5+ million on the Auction House.
Delivery on ALL SERVERS available! Please put your character and server information in the note box before checkout.
DISCLAIMER: Due to security precautions, we do not email flat influence any longer. Typically orders are delivered within 24 hours but some may take 24-72 hours for delivery! Once we have confirmed your order, we will send you an email once your order is ready. Thereafter, you may pick up at your earliest convenience. After you receive our email stating your order is ready, please contact us in our chat system below.
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